In 1977 I received a call from a theater director wondering if I’d like to write some songs for a play called “Rumplestilzkin Busts Out” He told me that the plays author, Ernie Carefoot from Saskatoon, wanted me to write a number of songs each in a different style of music. and he would mail me song lyrics (there was no internet back then).
I waited and sure enough they arrived. This was my first real assignment and I loved it. The lyrics needed some rearranging but in the end they transitioned well into songs.
Here is the album with a selected song from the play called If A Crazy with Laurie Conroy.
Of course any of the songs are available from the player below.
You can purchase this album by hitting the “Buy” button above or you can purchase single tracks by again hitting the “Buy” button above and hovering over the single track you wish to buy and clicking “Buy Track”